
Wat is de betekenis van uw laboratorium uitslagen? Hier vindt u links naar websites die uitleg geven over uw laboratorium resultaten. (Niet specifiek ME/CVS)

Hier vindt u alle informatie over testen, van specifieke informatie per laboratoriumtest tot informatie over zelftesten.

Lab Tests Online-UK is written by practising laboratory doctors and scientists to help you understand the many clinical laboratory tests that are used in diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of disease. It is produced by the Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine in collaboration with the Royal College of Pathologists and the Institute of Biomedical Science. Lab Tests Online-UK was established in 2003 with the aid of a grant from the Health Foundation and was financially supported by the Department of Health. It is currently funded by the Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, the Royal College of Pathologists and the Institute of Biomedical Science. werd ontwikkeld om u als patiënt of verzorger te helpen om beter de vele klinische labotesten te begrijpen die deel uitmaken van routinematige zorg, diagnose en behandeling van een brede waaier aan aandoeningen en ziekten.

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