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Date(s) - 10/09/2013

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The next CDC Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Patient-Centered
Outreach and Communication Activity (PCOCA) Conference Call will be
held at 3pm-4pm EDT, September 10, 2013.

Call in number: 888-946-3511
Passcode: 6029106

Meeting Agenda
Time Agenda Details
3:00pm Welcome and Telephone Overview
3:05pm Updates from CDC – Elizabeth Unger, PhD, MD
Branch Chief, Chronic Viral Diseases Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
3:15pm “Infection and Immunity in CFS”
W. Ian Lipkin, MD

John Snow Professor and Director
Center for Infection and Immunity
Mailman School of Public Health
Columbia University
3:45pm Questions from CFSPCOCACall Mailbox for Guest Speaker and CDC

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