The IACFS/ME was founded in 1990 by Dharam V. Ablashi and Orvalene Prewitt, and was chartered in 1992 as a not-for-profit organization in the state of Oklahoma. The goals set forth by the Board of Directors at the first meeting were to bring together researchers, clinicians, healthcare workers, CFS support groups and patients, so that all could learn more about this illness through discussion, research and treatment and education, especially educating physicians to diagnose and treat CFS patients. These goals have been achieved through conferences held biannually throughout the United States. The IACFS/ME went through a phase when CFS was not recognized by most practicing physicians, despite recognition by the CDC and NIH. In 2005 the AACFS changed its name to IACFS/ME.
The IACFS/ME has now extended its membership and participation to foreign researchers and clinicians, with a new Board of Directors with international members.